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Use large, high-quality thumbnail images

Make sure the video is the first thing users see when they open your web page.
Add a descriptive title and description to your movie.
Promote the film on social m ia and other channels.
By following these tips, you can help ensure that your video thumbnails show up in search results and users are more likely to click on them.

How to check if your video page is index by Google

There are two ways to use Google Search Console to check if your videos are index by Google:

1. Use the Video Index report. This report shows all the pages on your site that contain videos, and whether Google has index the videos on those pages. To access the Video Index report, go to Search Console > Index > Video Index.

2. Use the URL Inspection tool. This tool allows you to check the indexability of any page on your site, including pages that contain videos. To use the URL Inspection tool, go to Search Console > URL Inspection and enter the URL of the page that contains the video you want to check.

If the video has been index , you will see

a message that says “Video Index “. If the video has not been index , you will see a message that says “Video Not Index “.

Here are some other things to keep in mind when checking to see if your video has been includ :

It may take some time for Google to index your  employment database   video. If you recently upload your video, it may not be includ yet.
If the video is not emb d in the web page, it will not be includ .

Special data
If the video is block by a robots.txt file

or a noindex tag, it will not be includ .
If you’ve check your video using the Video Index  10 iphone curiosities you probably didn’t know Report and the URL Inspection Tool and it’s still not includ , you can try the following:
Wait a few days and check again.

If you’re still having trouble getting your video includ , you can contact us for help.

Do you get frustrat when people search for your uk data brand name but your competitors appear at the top of the paid results? Google’s latest update to its search engine marketing (SEM) policies may be the solution.

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