Home » News » 10 iPhone curiosities you probably didn’t know

10 iPhone curiosities you probably didn’t know

It’s clear that Steve Jobs’ introduction of the first.  Apple iPhone in 2007 mark. D turning point in the mobile phone market. After this first model, a few more follow until today. Dnd you can be sure that we’ll see many more (you can already see. Dumors about the new iPhone 7 if you search online).

Apple has a legion of loyal

Customers who await each new model with true devotion. You may be one of them, but do you know everything about the iPhone ? Let’s take a look at some interesting facts about this legendary smartphone model that will leave you speechless.

Curiosities about iPhone
The same time is always shown on the iPhones that appear in Apple’s ads: Apple’s events start at 9 a.m., and the ads are set to appear 40 minutes into the presentation. However, they have realiz that those 40 minutes are rarely met exactly, so they have recently set the time on the models that appear in the ads to 9:41.
The iPhone was nam Invention of the Year by Times magazine in 2007, as it was consider a totally revolutionary invention that year.
The first name it had was “Purple”. When it was still a prototype,  smartphone model “Purple”, and they even call the area at Apple headquarters where germany telegram data  the development was taking place “Purple Dorm”.

Telegram Data

The most expensive

Component is the screen. Dall Retina Display, which costs ar how we are going to increase customer lifetime value through synergy ound 30 euros, although to this we must add the design, assembly and of course, the brand, which raises the price of this compo cell p data nent to around 200 euros.

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