Home » Personalization is the future of e-commerce.

Personalization is the future of e-commerce.

Imagine walking into a pet store and being greeted at the door by a salesperson who takes you straight to the large dog leash department because he knows you’re looking for one for your labrador .

Why personalize emails? Because people love them.

You bypass the bedding department because he knows you bought one six months ago and it’s still working well, and on the way he’ll ask you how your Buddy liked the kibble y oman whatsapp number data ou bought at the store a month ago. When you leave, he will offer you a discount on them , and if you buy two at once, he will gladly take them home. Now imagine that this whole situation is not taking place at your local pet store, but at an e-commerce store .

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Can this situation be replicated in an online environment at all? It can, and maybe a lot better than you thought until now . In the following article, let’s take a look toget how we are going to increase customer lifetime value through synergy her at how well-targeted personalized email marketing can help your business.


Nobody likes spam. And e-mails that offer people goods they are not interested in are clearly spam. On the contrary, most of us are pleased when we see our name in the  rich data ubject of an e-mail, or when a wish and a small gift arrive in our inbox on our birthday  .

The fact that  a personal approach

Clearly leads in e-mail communication is also confirmed  by many studies . A well-targeted personalized business email is  6x more successful than its impersonal alternative . Yet this tactic is successfully ignored by 70% of companies that use email marketing to communicate. Or they even use no-reply emails , which can destroy the relationship with the customer the most. Maybe because they find it too complicated to send out personally tailored emails. But how is it in reality? Let’s take a closer look at email personalization.

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