Own a Restaurant? Here Are 9 Ways to Optimize Wi-Fi to Get Consumer Data

For visitors, a restaurant is a place where they can enjoy a variety of delicious foods. For you as a businessman, a restaurant certainly has more meaning than that. In addition to ensuring that visitors come and like the menu you serve, you also need to know what your loyal customers want and what can make them come back.

Have a Restaurant? Here are 9 Ways to Optimize Wi-Fi to Obtain Consumer Data | Wificolony

One way you can do to find out is through consumer data. Through a Wi-Fi network and with the help of a captive portal, you can more easily and efficiently collect customer data. How do you optimize Wi-Fi to collect customer data?

1. Measuring the Number of Visitors

There are many people who come to your restaurant every day. By using Wi-Fi analytics, whenever they come in, you will know exactly who they are, how long they are in your restaurant and what food they order. If there is a change from the regular pattern, you need to find out why.

2. Observing the Churn Rate
Whatever business you run, everyone must have a churn rate. Churn rate itself is the percentage when customers decide to break up with your business. If the churn rate is high, it can affect your restaurant’s income. Wi-Fi can be a way to study your churn rate data and israel telegram data  fix what is causing it.

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3. How Many Times Does Each Customer Visit

With Wi-Fi, you can find out which customers come to your restaurant regularly. Once you know who they are, reward them to maintain their loyalty.discounts or providing at the final steps we are taking to prepare for christmas sales tractive offers for them.

4. Develop a Loyalty Program for Your Loyal Customers
Once the data is collected, you can start designing a loyalty program for loyal customers. The data you have from Wi-Fi will help separate customers into certain seg by lists ments so that each loyalty program created can be in accordance with their respective preferences.


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