Home » Energy prices are rising, ZonerCloud offers a solution. Go to the cloud and save!

Energy prices are rising, ZonerCloud offers a solution. Go to the cloud and save!

Don’t print if The current crisis has caused panic in the energy markets and, together with high inflation, problems have emerged across economic sectors. How does all this affect IT and data center operations and are there ways to save?


Energy is sold at the historically

Highest price even to wholesale customers. Data center operations are becoming more expensive by hundreds of percent. An effective way for companies to avoid a sharp increase in costs is to transfer at least part of their IT infrastructure to the cloud.

Owning physical servers has its drawbacks
Own server room is financially expensive to acquire, complex to install and manage , and it also involves the costs of ensuring daily operation (including air conditioning, UPS, etc.). Due to the fluidity of the services and israel phone number data the operation of the systems that are operated on it, it must serve continuously. Because of this, it consumes a large amount of energy even in those parts of the day when no one is in the company .

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Cloud is the first choice of Czech companies

Most domestic companies use a cloud environment for at least part of their IT infrastructure . Czech entrepreneurs realize that the future lies in the suppression of classic server rooms and the transition to virtualized systems, which are more flexible and efficient .

Cloud servers work similarly to classic physical servers with all the components and features we expect from them. The difference is that we can access the cloud from anywhere. It is also possible to host how we are going to increase customer lifetime value through synergy websites, send and receive e-mails, test programs, back up data, etc. on the cloud server. accounting system (Money, Pohoda, etc.), or other applications that you need to have available remotely.

While large companies will feel a reduction in costs even if they transfer only part of their infrastructure to the cloud, small and medium-sized companies should consider moving to a cloud environment completely. Thanks by lists to this, they save not only money, but also a lot of worries.you don’t have to. It’s not that hard, is it?

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