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A liberating feeling

This led to a real feeling for it. While walking in the woods with the dog, I pulled the small notebook out of my pocket and quickly jotted down an idea that had spontaneously occurred to me. It was liberating and at the same time I focused much more on the essential things. Instead of just writing everything down, I concentrated on real ideas and keywords. Nothing that had to be worked through, but rather trains of thought and crazy ideas that led from one point to the next and emerged and took shape through writing.

Lots of freedom and strength

In the end, I actually stuck with it. Because notebooks are really liberating. Because to-do lists actually cause stress. At least that was the case in armenia cell phone number list my own experiment and at least in my case, the notebook helped me to find and maintain my focus again.

Good ideas emerged, new thoughts were written down, always and everywhere, whenever they occurred to me. I no longer chased after lists that eventually became too long to work through. I now have what needs to be done in my head again, and what I forget was simply not important enough from my new perspective. It works, and after a few weeks you hardly forget anything. I put long-term ideas together in a notebook, interweaving keywords with prototypes or actual ideas. The notebook functions like a kind of mind map , in which ideas are compiled and then, sooner or later, form a bigger picture. And speaking of mind maps, you can also draw them on the bench while taking a walk. Because there is a completely different creative center there. And because the notebook is now always with you.

Above all, the notebook helps me to do without to-do lists, which in automatic responder that allows you to create an automatic message turn helps my own feelings. There is no longer a dull plan that has to be worked through. There are only notes and ideas that are written down and recorded. All of this has really helped me to concentrate on what is really important again. To be able to be creative again and not just run after rudimentary points.

My recommendation

Just try it out for a month. Stop writing notes and making to-do lists. Write down what is important to you in a personal notebook. Reduce yourself to the cameroon business directory essentials. Maybe you will feel exactly like me and maybe you too will feel the freedom and creative power that a notebook like this brings or can bring and that classic to-do lists, at least sometimes, nip in the bud.

And now I’m interested in how you write down your notes? Classic paperwork, modern apps and lists? Tell me in the comments and let’s discuss what makes more sense.

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