The question on which the reflection starts is the following: how can calls arrive from numbers that do not exist? Do telephone operators not carry out checks. Automatic Responder Let’s start by emphasizing that the Italian operator cannot send calls with false numbers. But the path of the calls is not always linear, the problem occurs when the. Italian operator receives calls from abroad. Even though there is a lot of attention on the issue, the government has never made rules to. Ensure that telephone operators doctor data use technologies to ensure that the calling numbers are real.
Limitations and proposals to solve CLI Spoofing
With landline numbers it is easy to understand the presence of inconsistencies. Why on earth should a call with the 02 prefix (Milan) come from abroad?
It is more difficult when it comes to mobile numbers. Automatic Responder Currently, if someone with a Wind SIM receives a call from a number with a Vodafone prefix, the operator cannot suhail muhammad information technology security officer know if that Vodafone number is real and if they are calling from abroad. If the operator of the user receiving the call could find out if an incoming call from a mobile. Number abroad is coming from a truly active number or if the user is roaming at the time. It would be easier to block fraudulent calls. Therefore, telephone operators, when they forward a call from abroad to their customer. Should make sure to check if that number is part of their database of active numbers.
5- Use GDPR compliant call center software
In this complex scenario, how can a call center manager move? Choosing a call center software with advanced functions that allow you to manage sales calls in compliance is the first step towards an easier work activity.
Crm4 enables you to comply with current regulations with very useful functions such as the Predictive Message that allows you to control material data dropped calls or the to be played when users try to call back the number from which they received the call. To ensure that your calls are not perceived as spam, it is necessary to rely on software that is constantly updated from a technological and regulatory point of view.
If you follow these five valuable rules, we assure you that you will be able to achieve excellent results in the long term. Remember, success is achieved in small steps, but make sure you choose the right crew.
If you want to understand how crm4 can help you in this endeavor, contact us.