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Cloud office: Google vs. Microsoft

Today, Google and Microsoft are fighting in many areas. Web office applications and cloud storage are one of them.

It is hard to say who is actually challenging whom in this particular area. With few exceptions, Google has always been stronger on the Internet. On the other hand, Microsoft has many years of experience in the development of office solutions, which is proven by excellent business results.

The battle is not only for the corporate clientele

for which Google Apps is waging a battle with Office 365 , but also for ordinary end users. From the point of view of the end user who is looking for a modern free or cheap office solution, in this article we will take a closer look at the twin services Google Drive + Google Docs and Microsoft SkyDrive + Office Web Apps .

Google Docs vs. Office Web Apps
Google Docs is a suite of web-bas office applications today closely link to the later-arriving Google Drive cloud storage. It offers a text itor, a spreadsheet, a tool for working with presentations, a graphic itor for preparing drawings and, as a bonus, a tool for creating online forms, from which the collect data can be stor in a table performing the role of a simple database.

Google has made it known that it gradually wants to offer functions in its web office suite that are us by 90% of users in the traditional desktop office suite Microsoft Office. This statement is sometimes misinterpret to mean that Google Docs is suppos to offer 90% of the functionality of Microsoft Office, but Google never said that .

So far, Google has been doing relatively

well to gradually include a large part of the functions that are us by most users in Google Docs. The text itor has been at a pretty high level for a long time. Recently, Google has been focusing on spreadsheet and presentation tools. The acquisition switzerland phone number data of the mobile office suite QuickOffice , which he took over in the middle of last year, is said to be helping him in his development .

phone number data

Google Docs – Table
Google Docs – spreadsheet calculator
Microsoft respond to Google Docs with its own similar service, Office Web Apps. He decid to transfer to the web environment discover our exclusive Facebook advertising training! simplifi and freely available versions of his notorious office programs: the text itor Word, the spreadsheet calculator Excel and the tool for creating PowerPoint presentations. Microsoft bw lists thus uses its strong brands from the desktop world. They are second by the web version of the OneNote program for keeping and managing notes.

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