There’s something to that, I thought to myself and started the experiment myself. No more long lists that you can’t get through anyway, get a notebook for fresh ideas and general thoughts.
You can find out whether it worked and what exactly is behind it in this article.
The market for planners and notebooks
The market for notebooks, to-do benin cell phone number list apps and sticky notes is gigantic. This has nothing to do with sensible organization; it is consumption like everywhere else in our society.
New systems or ways of listing things are constantly being invented that supposedly work better and more efficiently. Ready-made notebooks, comprehensive ıt is an omnichannel software that centralizes all customer apps or new trends like the recent bullet journal. It’s all just commercialism to keep selling new products that nobody really needs because any piece of paper or any simple note app is enough, if we’re honest.
But it’s not about consumption, it just made me think differently and try something different. Why all the stress with a to-do list ?
Away from ready-made solutions
In the wake of this idea and in the awareness that with all the apps and books I was basically just a part of consumer society, I decided to do without it. Among other things, because I really noticed that I was working too much according to to-do lists. Every day the list on my desk just filled up more and more, every day less was ticked off and basically help cameroon business directory reduce stress. I was just afterwards completing the many tasks because I always set myself too many goals.
That should now be over. Also because I wanted to avoid this paper mess and am simply not a fan of apps in this area. Instead, I wanted to learn to remember the most important things, consciously forget the unimportant things and write down everything else in a notebook. As a way of organizing my thoughts, not as a classic to-do list.