Home » When is the best time to start a new habit?

When is the best time to start a new habit?

“I still have time.” This is probably one of the things that crosses your mind to get on with things that you have planned for a long time.

You still have time for anything. The question is probably another. Who are you or rather who do you want to be?

What you do defines you but also the other way around. You do what you are.

I am a runner. What’s more, I am a marathon runner. Or even this: I run a marathon in under three hours.

It is the self-demand that I have with myself so there are certain things that I have to do every week.

The best time to start is now


It is “now” as long as you are clear about your definition of yourself.

My habits are aligned in morning routines. One comes after another.

The best way to start is early. “Starting the day with something difficult will make the rest of the day easy.”

At least for me. Leaving the important telegram database users list things for the end of the day can always lead to conflicts with unforeseen emergencies. Do it as soon as possible and you’ll get it out of your head.


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Just like when you prepare for a marathon

The intensity when you work can’t be the same every day. As much as I like the idea of ​​performing at 120% from Monday to Friday, there will always be days where the intensity is going to be lower. It’s not about relaxing, but about mixing the most downloaded apps on android tasks in such a way that you don’t always have to enter the orange zone. It’s something from experience that will quickly make you fall into burnout. Just like when you train, you have to alternate days of intensity with days of recovery. The goal is to make your recovery days the same as intensity days for other people. I have higher expectations for myself than for other people because I’ve been training this way professionally for almost 20 years.


I have a child on the team who was injured line data about a year ago. Since then he has put on weight. That is not so much a problem but the consequence. He hardly moves in training. I have to talk to him so that he is clear that in this way he will play little in the new team next season.
In short: the foundations have to be there. Both in football and in the professional world. A person who is unmotivated or has little discipline can sink the morale of the rest. You have to “attack” this and discuss it with the person or player in question.

The coach is right. I have a lot of work ahead of me. A different dynamic is required than the one we have right now. I am working on it. In the next session we will start to turn the tide.

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