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The philosopher aristotle once said

Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life. So what exactly does happiness mean? Although researchers have yet to come up with a precise definition of happiness. The philosopher aristotle once said there are many scientifically proven things we can learn about this emotional state: what types of happiness are there? What are the signs that someone is truly happy? And how can we live happier lives? » find out: what is success? What is happiness? The oxford english dictionary defines: “happiness is feeling pleasure or contentment”.

Accordingly happiness is an emotional

state expressed when the subject feels satisfied and content. From this definition, we can collect some important points about happiness as follows: – happiness is not a lasting, permanent trait, but simply an emotional state that can change at will. – happiness is equivalent to a feeling of pleasure or contentment, that is, it is not to be confused with joy, ecstasy, or other intense feelings. -. Happiness can be a feeling or an external manifestation, meaning that happiness is not necessarily an internal or external state, but can be both.

We now have a better understanding of

what happiness is – or at least we know how the oxford dictionary defines happiness. However, this definition is not an accurate definition of happiness. In fact, the definition of happiness is not an objective definition that is true for everyone, but a subjective feeling that can vary from person to person. Classification of happiness there are 4 different levels of happiness, which are: laetus; felix; beatitudo; sublime beat.

Laetus happiness from material

things first level happiness is simply satisfaction based on external things. For example, the joy you get from a new car, a vacation, a delicious meal, etc. This type of happiness can cash app database be extremely intense but only lasts for a short time. 2. Felix (ego satisfaction) – happiness from comparison you will feel this kind of happiness when you win a competition or get a promotion. Everyone enjoys being admired to some degree.

For some it is everything

special data

But for others it is a very small and very short-lived pleasure. Happiness derived from comparing yourself to others is unstable, because no one (or very few) can win all the workshop: opportunities and challenges of productive ai for managers and leaders time in every area of ​​life. In the case of failure, focusing too much on this level can lead to feelings of disappointment and worthlessness. Focusing too much on self-comparison and self-promotion also risks alienating those around you and can lead to jealousy, cynicism, and oppression of others.

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what is failure? Causes and ways to overcome failure! 3. Beatitudo – the happiness of doing good for others or making the world a better place this level of happiness is bulk lead based on the human desire for connection, compassion, friendship, and unity. Some have summarized it simply as: “love!” at this level, we move away from ourselves to focus on the happiness of others. In essence, our own happiness depends on the happiness of others.

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