Regulation of digital services: What does the new DSA regulation bring?

Last week was all about artificial intelligence. The most famous company in the field of OpenAI and the technology giant Google present news regarding their GPT and Gemini models at their conferences. Let’s take a look at the summary of these news together, where to try the new models, and what to expect from them in the future.

Gemini 1.5 Pro
Google introduc two new updates to its AI model. Gemini 1.5 Pro can now handle up to a million tokens , which is a huge amount compar to previous models. This means that it will easily handle huge files (even whole books), videos (and the context in them) or even thousands of lines of code . By the end of the year, the memory of the popup will expand up to 2 million tokens.

AI tokens allow artificial intelligence to understand and manipulate text (or images, etc.). When AI reads or generates text, it breaks it into small pieces call tokens. Each token can be, for example, a single word, punctuation mark or other feature. AI works with these tokens to “understand” the meaning and context of the text, so it can perform various tasks such as translation, answering questions or generating new content. For example, the sentence “I’m glad to see you!” would be divid into three tokens: “I am,” “glad,” and “to see you!”

However, it should be mention that this number

Tokens is available only to a limit group of developers. However, according to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, the goal is to achieve an AI model with “unlimit” memory (number of tokens).

Gemini 1.5 Flash
Gemini 1.5 Flash is the second version of the Gemini AI model introduc at Google I/O. The model supports up to 1 million tokens and is built for low-latency applications or other purposes where spe is important.

Both models can be test for free directly on the Google AI Studio website .


The European Union’s Digital Services Regulation


weekend. The regulation brings fundamental changes in the online space . Companies that do not comply with the new rules can face heavy fines of up to 6% of annual turnover . The measure is intend to strengthen security, protect users’ rights and create a fairer environment for online platforms.


What is DSA?
The DSA, or Digital Services Regulation, is a European Union regulation that regulates online platforms and intermiary services on the Internet . Specifically, it concerns marketplaces (Amazon Store, Google Shopping, Zalando,…), social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,…), platforms for sharing content (YouTube, Pinterest,…), application stores (Apple AppStore, Google Play, …) and online platforms for travel and accommodation (,…) . The official goal is to prevent illegal and harmful activities on the Internet, the spread of misinformation, increase user safety, protect fundamental rights, and create a fair and open online platform environment.

While the DSA came into force on 16 November 2022, the important date for most regulat organizations is 17 February 2024, when the rules associat with the regulation become enforceable.

Who does the regulation apply to?
DSA is focus on four groups of online iran phone number data platforms and providers . Different rules are then download to each group.

phone number data

Very Large Online Platforms (VLOP) and Online we are going to implement a new weekly reporting system Search Engines (VLOSE) are the first group. These are platforms that reach more than 45 million European users per month . According to the EU, there are special risk by lists  associat with such platforms , such as the spread of illegal content or what the EU calls the risk of harmful influence on society. Therefore, these platfor.

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