Specialize them by type of client, not by type of product or process. If you have worked well on segmentation and have your sales team grouped in this way, in the medium term your organization will be more expert in the client than in the process or product.
Idea 2: Active participation in visits to the industrial plant
The Visit to an Industrial Plant by a potential or active customer is a key point of contact in the Industrial Customer Experience. Perhaps we can say that it is the Wow moment of the Industrial experience.
The paradox is that it is very important but often only machines are seen. Is this your only value to show to a client who has probably travelled many kilometres to see you and who will also put away (or should put away…) his mobile phone for a few hours? Are you going to waste it?
Schedule and plan contact and conversation chile phone number library spaces with these teams in advance in order to have customer conversations. Work on the message, the place, the moment.
If you are interested in planning visits to industrial plants, I recommend this article that I have written with 11 very practical ideas. (click on it)
Idea 3: Audiovisual content creators
Industrial Content Strategy is essential at any touchpoint of any Industrial customer experience.
Developing relevant content for every moment and touchpoint of both potential and active customers is complicated but essential.
The Technical Office and RAC teams are the hidden value of war: how scientists deal with the environmental destruction left behind by conflicts mines of knowledge and applied experience, therefore the much desired B2B engagement can be achieved by relying on them in the development and distribution of content.
Messages from them will surely raise the level of your brand. Therefore, Marketing should see them as the “Kryptonite” of your brand reputation Industry l.
Encourage them to make videos for social media, suggest topics, give talks at trade shows, etc.
Teach them a new way to give back.
Idea 4: Customer Journey Map cross-sessions.
Using the Customer Journey Map tool in B2B serves to map the customer’s journey at different stages, locate the key contact points or touchpoints slovakia business directory in their Industrial customer experience, but above all to ALIGN all the teams around the customer.
That is, uniting the famous “industrial departmental silos” from the customer experience and having to align around it.
This is a wonderful exercise in aligning. The active participation of the technical office and the RACs is a significant plus.
Idea 5: Employee Advocacy on Linkedin and Web
RACs and members of the Technical Office are on Linkedin. If not, they should be. Not only as magnificent brand ambassadors, but also so that clients who search for your company can see that you exist, who you are and where you have worked.
Employee Advocacy actions in an Industrial company are usually carried out by Marketing and I believe that they should have a priority: to involve these two teams in the creation, dissemination and validation of brand content. For example, in the creation of How-to videos on Youtube or Tiktok
On the Web, it is also key to show humanized content, preferably audiovisual, from both teams, showing their day-to-day work in the company, their closeness and way of relating.
Idea 6: Active participation in Industrial Fairs
There is a new objective at industrial fairs, which is no longer just to show products as it has been for many years.
A trade show is a key touchpoint in the Industrial
customer experience and specifically in the discovery, consideration and customer phases.
Getting results at an industrial fair is increasingly about generating valuable conversations for visitors. Conversations about applications, trends, business opportunities, etc. and, of course, about products too.
Incorporating your technical and RAC team, in parallel with Marketing,
Sales and Management, increases the level and depth of these conversations