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New web content in web browsers

How do browsers deal with processing and displaying multimia content, office files or modern games? We mapp the situation.

Once upon a time, web browsers could only display text. Later, support for images on websites was add, which we take for grant today. What other content do web browsers deal with and where do modern web applications help them? Let’s map the current situation.

Both video and audio are handl by modern browsers
Playing video or audio in web browsers is far from new, but in the past it was solv in various obscure ways, among which the hard core of followers of pure web technologies will certainly include Flash or Silverlight technologies. However, with the advent of HTML 5, the situation is changing and significantly for the better.

HTML 5 introduces a pair of key video and audio tags for playing multimia content directly in the browser. No plug-in or downloading a multimia file to your hard drive and opening it locally in a suitable player is requir. Video and audio can now be play without any add-ons directly in the web browser.


Today, if an author nes to insert

a video into a website, he doesn’t have to use obscure methods that work only in select browsers (previously, typically in Internet Explorer) or use expensive software. It can use HTML 5, and turkey phone number data for users of modern browsers with HTML 5 support, the video will play directly in the browser window on the web page exactly where the page author insert it.

phone number data

The problem is that different browsers support different video and audio formats for both technical and political reasons. As a result, one and the same recording plays without problems in one browser, but not at all in another. At the same time, both claim to support multimia from HTML 5. Hopefully, this is only a temporary situation until a general consensus is found. We cover the topic why did we just tell a client that we are not going to continue working with them? in more detail at Interval in the article Flash still hasn’t said its last word on the web

Browsers learn to display PDF documents

A web surfer’s nightmare in the past was to come across a PDF document. That’s why extensions were quite popular at the time, which bw lists taught browsers to distinguish links leading to a PDF document in some way by design, and it was consider polite for website creators to notify that the link leads to a PDF document.

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