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My tips to stay motivated

Below I will give you a few tips on how you can stay motivated stay motivated as a part-time self-employed person.

The tips fall into two categories of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The first is motivation that comes from within yourself, while the latter is motivational aids that come from outside. Both can work well, but intrinsic motivation is usually more lasting and better.

motivation from within stay motivated

  • The most important source of motivation is your own interest or passion . If you do something part-time, you should really love argentina cell phone number list it and can’t wait to work on it again. So find a topic that you are passionate about!
  • The work itself should also be fun , at least most of it. After all, you’re working instead of enjoying your free time. So you should enjoy what you do.
  • Small milestones are good for your own motivation . So don’t set yourself the goal of building a Google competitor. That’s a very long task and there’s a high chance that you’ll lose interest along the way. Instead, you should set yourself small goals and milestones , as achieving them will motivate you again and again.
  • Of course, everyone is different, but new challenges are usually more motivating than doing the same thing over and over again. That’s why you shouldn’t rest on your laurels, but always look for new challenges.

motivation from outside

Even if intrinsic motivation is actually better, you should always use external incentives to help and increase motivation.

  • It can be very motivating when you complete certain tasks quickly and well. That’s why routines and workflows are very good at keeping motivation high. You don’t always start from scratch stay motivated.
  • Fixed deadlines can also be very motivating and make you stop putting off tasks. But of course you have to be careful to find the right balance here, as too much time pressure can also have a negative effect.
  • For many people, it is important to bring variety into their everyday part-time work routine. Why not work somewhere else, start a new project or try a different approach?
  • Contact with others is often very motivating. By exchanging ideas with others, for example at regular meetings, you can find new ideas and approaches.
  • Every now and then you should get inspiration from other sources. There are very motivating films or you can read about automatic responder that allows you to create an automatic message successful people. Events and conferences can also be very inspiring.
  • Rewards for small successes are also very helpful. Simply treating yourself when you have achieved a set goal is just part of it.
  • Last but not least, I would like to talk about money as a motivating factor. Of course, it is motivating when you can earn money with your own work, no question about it. However, you should never be motivated solely by earning money, because it is not a permanent motivator. That may sound strange to anyone who is just starting out, but believe me, for most people, money alone is not enough to be properly motivated.

Motivation is important, but not everything

These are some tips to increase your own motivation. However, I would also like to say again that motivation is not everything.

Either way, there will be phases where you cameroon business directory don’t feel like doing something. That’s normal. The key is to keep your head down and keep going. If you’re always waiting until you’re highly motivated, you won’t get much done.

So don’t worry if your motivation wanes. If you are really interested in the work or the topic, then your motivation will return. Just don’t give up!

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