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Influencers: Why they are important in your online strategy

Sun Romeo
Sun Rome
Chief Marketing Officer at fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.

Wrote 74 posts


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What are Influencers?

Is he a superhero? A being from another planet? No! He is an Influe sales accounting is an important ncer, the person who can give a real boost to your Digital Marketing actions. Find out all about it in this post.

There are people who can reach thousands

A of users with just one tweet. People who can turn a completely unknown brand or product into something incredibly popular . They are the influencers, the essential actors in any online strategy. Keep reading!

What is an Influencer?
Wouldn’t it be great if Lionel Messi used your sportswear brand or Juan Carlos Mejía Llano promoted your social media campaign management tool? That would be fantastic! Why? Simply because they are considered role models, so thousands of people trust their word and follow their advice.

Influencers are opinion leaders on a particular topic and, therefore, enjoy great credibility . They have enormous power to influence their followers, so their words and actions often set their course .

A reference does not necessarily have to be “famous” but rather an expert who is aware of the latest trends and has managed to make themselves heard on social media.


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