Home » How we’re upping the ante with our new A/B tests

How we’re upping the ante with our new A/B tests

It’s true that it’s about time we got serious about this. Better late than never. Motivation is now at its peak as a recent test has shown us just how much is possible with A/B testing.

When I talk about A/B testing, I’m not just talking about Amazon’s feature of testing different images. We also test different prices and their impact on sales.

A/B testing with prices

I have already mentioned this on another occasion. Initially raising and lowering prices, analysing the impact on sales, turnover and margin. In a very brief way, the conclusion was this: prices must be raised and lowered. It may sound too basic, but that is what it is. Prices must vary. A good approximation is to raise or lower them every two months. We do it alternately. The price reduction has an impact on the ranking, the conversion rate and consequently on the number of sales. This results in better visibility which helps when the price is raised thailand whatsapp number data again. The conversion rate is a little worse and a little bit of ranking is lost again. This is compensated shortly after by lowering the price and achieving the improvement again. It is a continuous rise and fall which brings balance. It is neither good to keep prices high continuously nor to keep them low forever.

WhatsApp Data

A/B testing with images

This test has finally opened my eyes. With special wordpress training – become a pro in website creation! something that I already knew or, let’s say, intuited, but oh well. In the end, it is always better to have the obvious in front of you so you can’t look away. In one of the first A/B tests with images, we achieved a 50% improvement. With an image that we had previously discarded because it didn’t seem attractive enough, it beat the one we considered better by a long shot. Once again, it has been shown that personal preferences are useless if they are not supported by data.

Seeing the impact of this small test, we have malaysia data started a recurring meeting on this topic. For us, it is one of the few ways that works for us to work on important issues. We have to sit down together (well, I do it virtually from Germany) and set the tests we want to do.

We also raise the stakes many times with Amazon Ads

This way we get more traffic to the listing and we see the impact of the changes made better. Not all products are suitable for A/B tests with images. There must be a minimum number of traffic and sales for this to happen. Testing with price changes does not depend on this, but it is clear that if there are no visits or too few, you will not have data to help you make the necessary adjustments.

The topic of A/B testing is a journey we have just begun. Fortunately, we still have a long way to go.

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