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How to Navigate the Stormy Waters of Google SERPs

It seems like years have passed since I wrote about Google’s efforts to clean up the first page of search results in January . Just 8 weeks later, we’ve seen Google make even more substantial updates that SEOs should be watching closely.

The Troubled Waters of the Search Environment

A quick recap: Two months ago, we discussed a cleanup that was intended to streamline the user’s online search experience by avoiding duplication in search results. URLs in position zero with turkey whatsapp number data a featured snippet would no longer appear elsewhere on search engine result pages (SERPs) as they had before. This update was great for users looking for a clean, organized experience. It wasn’t so great for marketers, whose URLs previously appeared twice on the first SERP page.


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Of course, Google’s updates never end. Both its algorithms and user how much more can you earn by selling on marketplaces other than amazon? behaviors are constantly evolving. Google typically fine-tunes its algorithm hundreds of times a year. We, of course, keep a close eye on the search space, which (much like the general turmoil of 2020) has been somewhat unstable .

Let’s talk about what appears to have been a broad and fundamental shopping data lgorithm update and the major fluctuations that caught the attention of SEOs everywhere. The sooner you understand these changes in your business, the sooner you can adapt, organize, and benefit from them.

About two weeks after the big update to Google’s featured snippet

SEOs noticed significant turbulence in the force… ahem, that’s right, the… galaxy. What SEOs in our galaxy noticed was that Google made drastic changes to its rankings in the span of just 48 hours. One SEO I know called it “the biggest two-day turbulence in the SERPs in the past two years.”

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