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Find the right influencers for your marketing initiatives

You probably already know famous social media influencers like the Kardashians, Selena Gomez and The Rock, but did you know that Jamie Oliver is one of the top influencers on Instagram with over 9 million followers? Have you heard of Benjamin Lowly, Jannid Olsson Delér and Huda Kattan? They are photography, lifestyle and beauty influencers on Instagram. And of course, there’s also Cristiano Ronaldo , the football star and sports influencer with over 500 million followers.

Relevance to your business

The fact that you are looking for suitable social poland whatsapp number data media influencers to promote your brand or product means that you have already defined your goals and know why you are interested in so-called “ influencer marketing ” and it also means that you know your target audience . Now, what should you keep in mind when searching for that right person for your company?

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There are many types of influencers , but what you need is someone who is relevant to your business. That person should be able to influence your target audience and have content that is consistent with your messages. What are your brand values? Do the influencers you are interested in have similar values?

Social media is the best place to find relevant how much more can you earn by selling on marketplaces other than amazon? candidates for your influencer marketing campaigns . Your goals determine how you will measure the marketing that results from that type of interaction, and that should be your guide when exploring candidates on social platforms. agb directory General areas of measurement include: audience reach, impressions, engagement (comments, likes , shares ), tone (also called sentiment ), high-quality content, and conversions.

Take advantage of social networks

In the influencer world, a larger following doesn’t necessarily translate. To a higher level of engagement; those with fewer followers but a loyal audience often find it easier. To achieve a high engagement rate as they are more likely to convert an enthusiastic and engaged audience. Iinto purchasing a product or service, visiting a website or mentioning a brand when sharing.

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