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Design an SEO content strategy

But how do you approach these issues? Well, always think about your Buyer Persona . This is an imaginary representation of the end consumer that helps you understand where they live, what channels they are on, what concerns them, what interests them, what influences them, etc.

The goal is to design an empathy map that allows you to put yourself in their shoes and write with them in mind. This effort to get closer to and get to know your potential audience will help you write articles that solve their doubts, resolve their problems advertising database  or satisfy their needs. This type of content is what Google calls relevant and quality content .

In addition to thinking about your

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A product/service and your potential customers when planning a content strategy for your business, you should take your competition into consideration .

Identify your competitors, find out if they have a blog and what they write about, analyze with tools like SEMRush which are their best positioned posts in search engines and the keywords by which they are found.

Also, use Buzzsumo to find out which of your competitors’ content is most shared on social media. It’s important to identify these posts, as you can use them as a reference to find out what works in the market you’re trying to find a place in.

I also recommend that you use the Skyscraper technique with this information . What does it consist of? In broad terms, it involves selecting a post from your competition that is very well positioned and writing your own on the same topic but adding a little extra quality.

It basically consists of “giving it

A a twist” and launching a better proposal in relation to that content. Be careful! In no case is it about copying or plagiarizing your competition.Okay, so you’ve studied your product/service, buyer persona and competition, and you’re clear about your market niche. Now what, should we start writing posts? Nope.

It is not enough to simply start writing about the topic you have identified. Now you must ask yourself how you want your potential customers to find that content when they search on Google.

To do this, we need to analyse the keywords for which we want to position ourselves in the search results. This study must take into account the keywords linked to your product/service, the competition and the customer segment you want to target. It involves answering the following question: in which Google queries do you want your content to appear?

But how to do this keyword analysis? There are different approaches and t from innovator to leader: paving the way for African women in mathematics ools to implement it. Here is one way to do it:

Preliminary proposal of keywords based on the study of the p snbd host  roduct/service, the target and the competition .
Filter the list by Ubersuggest to adapt the keywords to the ways in which people make queries on Google.
Use related keywords or synonyms , given by the SemRush tool.
Identify the average monthly searches for these keywords with Keyword Planner .

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