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CzechiaApps: one-click open source CMS installation

More and more hostings offer assistants for installing editorial systems or e-shops. You don’t have to copy anything tediously via FTP and you can forget about some complex database settings. What is the installation of not only Drupal in CzechiaApps?


I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of automatic installations. For a simple reason. I create websites for clients on a different server than where they actually run, and their effort to save me work by “clicking on Drupal” somewhere will actually make my job more difficult. I then usually delete the pre-installed solution. It’s the same with WordPress.

On the other hand, I understand that these helpers are not meant for people like me. And they can really help. For example, with Drupal, a lot of users end up not copying the hidden .htaccess, they don’t know that they have to arrange PDO support with the hosting, they don’t know and are not able to extract south africa phone number data the .htaccess modification from the hosting support so that the website works, etc. It is also difficult for many people to enter the data to connect the CMS to the database. For them, it is something imaginary, of which they only know that it is needed.

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Automatic installation of editorial systems,

e-shops and other open source solutions takes different forms depending on how the hosting we are going to implement a new weekly reporting system has dealt with this task. I decided to see how such an automatic Drupal installation would turn out with Czechia hosting .

In order to prevent attacks regarding unmarked advertising, I warn in advance that the Czechia hosting operator is one of the long-term advertisers here on Maxiorl. However, this article is not a paid advertisement, and bw lists if you find it uncritical, it may be my bias, not my intention.

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