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App Usability – What Should You Not Overlook?

After some time, companies began to see mobile devices in a different light, giving real importance to the application and what it offers and enables, giving the user an excellent experience.

But enabling this communication between people and the company, through apps, is not an easy task. The company informing that the brand already has an app does not mean that it will boost its sales and build a relationship of loyalty with customers. There is a high number of people who have brand apps and end up forgetting about them, leaving them unus.

A survey conduct by Google show

Every five apps install, one of them is left aside. And that’s when you ne to put your head to work and find a way to not let this opportunity pass you by, to not miss out on this possibility and to be able to reverse this situation.

And, to resolve this issue, Google conduct a study on best practices for user experiences, discovering what should not be done when you ne to stimulate this connection between users and the brand.

at mistakes should I avoid when using applications?
Apps are increasingly present in people’s daily lives, becoming extremely important items. However, as important as they are, many of them cause problems for users, causing them to become irritat and stop using them.

And if you stop using them, your project will fail. To prevent this from happening, this text has highlight some errors that you cannot allow to happen in your application. Pay attention to them!

The most common problems that you should avoid in your application are:
Slowness – no one wants to access an application that takes a long time to load and causes great qatar phone number data difficulties when choosing a specific item to visit. Having a heavy application will make it very difficult to navigate it, which will harm its accessibility, causing many users to give up using it.

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Design – users like to experience a newly discover trick to increase conversion on amazon new and good experiences. And once they visit your application and see a mess. Where they cannot see the text because it is not highlight well, making it difficult to read. Addition to not being presentable at all, it is a factor that will complicate its usability.

The color of the letters must also follow this model. Making the text very clear and easy to read.

Be careful with platforms – Android

Platforms that have different usability, which means you ne to be careful with each one. There’s no point in designing a project for just one of them, because the other will be incomplete, preventing users from bz lists using your app. Therefore, when developing a project, apply it to the available platforms.

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