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The leader must be a model of consistency

A dictatorial style with excessive administration and sole decision-making rarely helps to awaken employees’ sincere devotion to their work. In such an atmosphere, people begin to perceive work as an inevitable burden, and mutual distrust and fear of making mistakes prevail in the work environment. Much more effective would be the advanced “turquoise” practice of distributed leadership, when rights and responsibilities are delegated, and decisions are submitted for collective discussion.

In such a system, subordinates are more easily

Imbued with the corporate spirit, because they feel their oman phone number library real influence on the life of the organization. However, a democratic approach to management alone is not enough to cultivate enthusiasm for the company’s business in the team. The leader must provide the team with all the conditions necessary for fruitful activity. This includes modern technical equipment, rational organization of work areas, training in relevant professional skills, and expansion of the area of ​​responsibility and action.

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The relationship between the indicators

The results of the engagement study, from the ECOPSY materials An essential element of the work environment that encourages team engagement is an atmosphere of openness and constructive exchange of opinions. When employees have the opportunity to freely express their ideas, criticisms, and suggestions for improvement, they feel a stronger 87% of consumers say they see too many ads on social media sense of belonging to a common mission. At the same time, it is vital that the team’s achievements receive regular, well-deserved praise and recognition. Nothing undermines corporate morale more than management ignoring the team’s successes.

But the main catalyst for genuine involvement

Atmosphere of mutual respect and trust between management ws data and employees. Only in this case is full dedication and enthusiasm in professional activities possible. , honesty and commitment to common corporate values, and prove his reliability in action. Forming a team of like-minded people is a large-scale long-term task for a manager. Its successful solution requires a systematic approach, constant attention and readiness to adjust the chosen course.

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