Home » News » A drone you can take wherever and however you want? Meet Dragon!

A drone you can take wherever and however you want? Meet Dragon!

Have you ever thought about taking a drone anywhere without having to worry about its size? Yes, this technology is being developed and you won’t be able to escape it. Meet Dragon!
It’s no secret that drones are taking over the skies around the world for a variety of reasons, and this time a drone has gained the ability to take on shapes. Some researchers from the “UAV” (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) last month at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

A prototype was presented during the conference and is called Dragon, an abbreviation for “Dual-rotor embedded multilink Robot with the Ability of multi-deGree-of-freedom aerial transformation”.

The idea behind Dragon is to be an

autonomous drone that can adapt to flying through obstacles. With poland phone number data four propellers, it can transform between gaps and structures, according to the Institute of Electronics Engineers. The shapes of the prototypes so far are straight, vertical, diagonal and even checkered snakes. However, at first, the prototype presented is only capable of flying for 3 minutes.

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Think of a scenario you might encounter with a snake/drone (transformers) helps you look for the remote what kind of people am I looking for on my team? control in your house under your sofa.

Autonomous robots

Some time ago, we posted an article here on the MadeinWeb blog talking about autonomous robots. In case you don’t remember, the link to the text is here. But here’s a summary for you. This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about autonomous robots. You bz lists can already find news about autonomous dogs and a running robot (link spoilers) that were designed by Boston Dynamics.

What could this mean? Mass replacement of human beings? Don’t worry, not yet.

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