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Habits to be a great professional

If you want to make a difference in the world of work, this conference will be of great help to you. Matías Salom will tell you which habits a self-respecting entrepreneur cannot be without. How to optimize your time ? How to organize your work to  whatsapp data better invest your effort? Matías will answer these questions and many more.

Digital media and professional development

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Your passion is essential, but even more important is being able to spread it through all the channels at your disposal. Juan Carlos Mejía Llano , the renowned blogger and expert in Social Media, will help you in this task, teaching you how to use digital media to promote your company and your projects.

[09/18] Experience Conferences
EMMS 2015: Experience Talks

It is often difficult to imagine how to achieve success in your business, especially if you are just starting out. How about the most influential companies in the market tell you how to do it? Welcome to the second day of EMMS 2015 !

Success story: Content Marketing in online businesses
One of the most current and effective techniques to reach your target audience and promote your brand is to implement a Content Marketing strategy . Leandro Sabater , Content Strategist at Tiendanube, will explain how they have done it so that you can take away some ideas.

Success story: Lead Generation Strategies
Having a blog can be a great contribution to your online marketing strategy. However, it is useless if many people read your content and do not become your clients. That is why Bruno Vázquez-Dodero , Co-founder of Aula CM , one of the most important market usa data ing schools, will tell you how to transform visitors into leads and clients .

Success story: Online advertising

There is something that companies have in common and that is that absolut thus sales accounting is an important position ely all of them need communication to grow and develop. Laura Corvalán from the Marketing agency Grupo Oxean will be in charge of showing you the best strategies so that you can reach specific audiences with effective ads .

Success story: Email Marketing for eCommerce
Did you know that Email Campaigns can become the best allies of your Online Store? Mari Carmen Elton from SwissJust , the Swiss company that sells beauty products, will reveal the keys to attract new customers to your online business with the power of Email Marketing .

Success story: Email Automation
Automated Email Campaigns can bring great benefits to your company, converting leads into customers and building loyalty among your contacts. If you don’t know how to implement an Email Automation strategy , don’t worry! Lucas Emma from Social Tools , the tool for managing contests on Social Media, will show you how they use it to increase their conversions.

EMMS is felt on social networks
If you don’t want to miss anything from this extraordinary event, we suggest you keep an eye on the hashtag #EMMS2015 . You can follow all the news on Twitter, Facebook , Google+ and Pinterest .

Do you have questions for our speakers? Use the hashtag to ask them! We’ll get back to you within seconds. Interact with us and the other attendees. There’s nothing better than exchanging views and experiences! Right?

As if that weren’t enough, if you actively participate during the event, you could become one of the winners of the prizes provided by our sponsors. Great!


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