It’s hard to be a blog – how we made

If this is the first article you are reading on our resource, let’s get acquainted. We are the TexTerra Internet agency. For 15 years, we have been developing, optimizing and promoting .

websites and mobile applications, web design, content and video marketing, and promoting brands on social networks. You are a reader who has come here because content marketing works.

It was the first direction

in digital that we mastered back in 2007, and we, in turn, were the first greece phone number data to introduce this term to the Runet.

When you finish reading this article.

You will understand very well how it works and why brands and people need it.

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Why our company needs a blog – and why yours needs it At the time of publication of this article, TexTerra Daily already has 3670+ materials: guides, instructions, news, author’s columns. On average, all these materials gain 1,400,000 unique visitors per month. – Who are all these people? Potential clients?

The vast majority are marketers and ordinary consumers who are interested in what is relevant in the digital world. But they cannot be called a non-target audience, because the goal of an expert blog is to convince not only real people (potential clients) of the company’s competence, but also search engines.

Users actively read our materials

about digital, discuss, share – and Google and Yandex understand that our resource in this topic is trusted. And they bring more and more readers to it. Then comes the second step. The number of readers that robots “allow” to our content increases – and the number of those who want to order a service also increases among them.

WE MAKE BLOGS FOR BUSINESS AND BRAND MEDIA More How blogs more during times of good and media for business are built How media differs from “just a blog” A blog with expert materials helps the audience understand the product or service, make sure that the company that owns the resource has a team of professionals and can talk about its field of expertise in an fans data  interesting way. Such blogs work similar to ours.

But in TexTerra Daily, in addition to the expert part, there is also a media part. We monitor market trends, we are the first to tell about them, sometimes we set them with the help of the same blog. More details on.

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