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4 Notes accountants need to know before the mandatory

There are only a few months left until the mandatory use of electronic invoices for 100% of businesses nationwide. To help businesses be more proactive in applying electronic invoices, MISA will summarize 4 notes that businesses need to know before November 1, 2022.

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1. Electronic invoices and paper invoices can be used in parallel until October 31, 2020.
2. Some regulations on electronic invoices will change from November 1, 2020
2.1 Simplify the registration procedure for using electronic invoices:
2.2 Electronic invoices converted to paper documents are only used for storage:
2.3 The time of creating an electronic invoice is the time of digital signature.

 Change of symbols and numbering of electronic invoices

2.5 Transfer of electronic invoice data to tax authorities
3. Criteria for selecting electronic invoice providers according to Circular 68/2019/TT-BTC
4. MISA accompanies the Tax Authority to support businesses in early conversion to electronic invoices.
1. Electronic invoices and paper invoices can be used in parallel until October 31, 2020.
According to Circular 32/2011/TT-BTC effective until October 31, 2020:

“Business organizations can simultaneously create many different forms of invoices (self-printed invoices, printed invoices, electronic invoices) and must notify the issuance of each form of invoice according to regulations.

In case of selling goods or providing services, for each sale of goods or provision of services, the business organization shall only use one (01) form of invoice, specifically: if the business organization uses self-printed invoices for the sale of goods israel telegram data  or provision of services, it shall not use pre-printed invoices or electronic invoices for that sale of goods or provision of services; if it uses electronic invoices, it shall not use self-printed invoices or pre-printed invoices; if it uses pre-printed invoices, it

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shall not use electronic invoices or self-printed invoices.

Thus, before November 1, 2020, businesses once the volume of keywords in the segment  can completely use both electronic invoices and paper invoices in parallel . Before the mandatory use of electronic invoices, businesses do not need to line data  cancel unused paper invoices, but only need to choose the appropriate electronic invoice software and register to issue electronic invoices to start using them.

2. Some regulations on electronic invoices will change from November 1, 2020
MISA meInvoice electronic invoice

November 1, 2020 is also the time when many old regulations on electronic invoices will expire and be replaced by new regulations in Decree 119/2018/ND-CP, Circular 68/2019/TT-BTC. Below are the 5 most important changes regarding electronic invoices without tax authority codes:

 Correct the mandatory deadline for electronic invoices

2.1 Simplify the registration procedure for using electronic invoices:
From November 1, 2020, the procedure for registering to use electronic invoices will change. According to Clause 1, Article 20, Decree 119/2018/ND-CP, the unit registering for electronic invoices only needs to submit the Registration/Change of Information Form for Using Electronic Invoices according to Form No. 01 issued under Decree 119/2018/ND-CP to register to use electronic invoices with the tax authority.

The tax authority shall be responsible for sending a Notice according to Form No. 02 of the Appendix issued with this Decree on acceptance or non-acceptance of registration for use of electronic invoices without tax authority codes via the General Department of Taxation’s electronic information portal within 01 working day from the date of receipt of registration for use of electronic invoices of

enterprises and economic organizations.

2.2 Electronic invoices converted to paper documents are only used for storage:
According to Circular 32/2011/TT-BTC, electronic invoices can be printed and converted to paper invoices to prove the origin of tangible goods or to serve the purpose of storing accounting documents according to the provisions of the Law on Accounting.

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